Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Morning adventures...

So yesterday morning I get the kids all ready for school, we are actually on time.... until I grab my purse and keys. I had my key ring, but I could not find my car key. We took the car in Monday to get serviced and I drove it home after we picked it up. Well the brilliant person I am did not imediately put the key back on the key ring. I think I put it in my pocket... but then I change and put them in the llaundry to wash that night. So I spent at least an hour going through everything on the floor in my closet and all of my laundry in the laundry room, as well as searching in any random spot I could have possibly laid it down. The 2 little ones had to miss preschool and I sent Pete off to school on his scooter and hopefully he still made it on time.
I still didn't find it but I did make a trip to Lowes with David's keys to make myself a new one and I made a whole set of spare keys to keep in my cupboard for just such an occation if it were to happen again in the futur! e.
Moral of the story.... Be sure to always put your key back on the key ring immediately after you get it back from getting your car serviced!

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